Big-eared Ruby has been in foster care now for almost 4 weeks, and she settled in very quickly! Her personality is really starting to shine through now that she’s figured out her new routines. After living in a tiny cage for the last year, it took less than a week for this newly free bun to become litter trained! Now she gets to roam free and explore outside her pen for extended periods. She loves going under furniture and through anything that resembles a tunnel. Taking naps under the coffee table seems to be one of her favourite things.
Ruby also seems to enjoy classical music, and relaxes quickly when it’s playing. She often stands up on her back legs to see what happened to it when it stops. She is still learning that hay is meant to be her main food source, but is slowly eating more and more every day. Pellets and fresh Parsley are still her favourites, but her foster mom is offering more options each week.
Ruby loves people! There hasn’t been a person she’s met who she hasn’t instantly taken to, and she often requests the attention of humans by knocking her bowls together or whacking a toy on the floor. Each time a human is near, Ruby excitedly does laps in her pen while humming and snorting. She’s been spending time with a very energetic (and sometimes loud) 4 year old boy lately, who she happily hops around, lays next to, and sniffs when he’s around. Her favourite part about humans is when they sit on the floor and she gets to use them as jungle gyms. A bent leg quickly becomes a tunnel and an outstretched leg, a launch pad. She’s a real parkour bunny! And if you see her, don’t forget the face and ear scratches! Ruby loves to be pet; especially on her nose, behind her ears, and her cheeks. She settles right down and usually closes her eyes for a good face scratching. Although, if you stop, she will make sure you know that you must continue by way of gentle nibbles or a bop with the nose.
Ruby will be a wonderful forever bun for a family who has lots of time to give her the attention and hands-on love she needs. She does well on her own for a few hours each day, but she really does prefer being included and hanging out with humans. She’s not been around other animals, but she loves people and children who are respectful and gentle with her.
Ruby is in a temporary foster home and needs a foster or adoptive home!