
Hope came to Rabbit Rescue from a shelter in Quebec after being placed on the euthanasia list with her four babies. Since arriving into foster care, Hope has proven to be a very sweet and funny bunny. She is vaccinated against RHDV and she is spayed. She was born early spring 2023. Her litter habits are perfect!

Hope, also known as Funny Bunny or Princess Bun, is a beautiful, sensitive, and adorable bun with a very curious nature and a passion for refurbishing cardboard boxes. Her current favorite hobbies (aside from tearing up cardboard) are trading a trick for a treat, booping people with her cute nose, doing zoomies and binkies around the living room, then after a long hard day of exploration, adorably laying like a pancake with her legs splayed behind her. She loves to just chill near her humans and really enjoys being pet, but only with a trusted person. Hands-off bonding time with her human will help her to gain trust and build comfort. Hope needs lots of time to free roam or she becomes easily bored. She enjoys stretching her legs and having space to explore!

She is a true foodie, after her foster bun mom’s heart. She is an excellent eater and drinker. Her current favorite veggies are salad mix, dill, cilantro and mint. Her favourite treats (in limited amounts) are banana, blueberries, apple, strawberry, and her banana flavoured treats. 

You’ll find her quietly nibbling her pellets and hay in the morning and evening. She loves to take a long midday snooze. When she hears her foster mom shaking the rabbit treat box, she comes running enthusiastically at top speed. And when her foster mom comes to visit her before bedtime she does adorable binkies in anticipation of her bedtime snacks.

She will make an excellent best friend to her new human and requests a patient, loving person to earn her trust.

Click here to see more photos of Hope!



Willow came to Rabbit Rescue from a local overfull shelter that needed help after she’d been surrendered by her previous owner. She weighs about five pounds and was born in 2022.

Willow has an insatiable hunger for pellets and runs up to her enclosure walls to greet you with loving honks of excitement when it’s feeding time. She also loves her greens, especially basil, mint and parsley, and endless hay. Blueberries, strawberry, and apple flavoured bunny cookies are her favourite treats. She’ll eat any of them out of your hand and gently grab hand fed pellets. She loves head pats and cheek rubs and will reward you with kisses anywhere she can squeeze them in. If you’re looking for bunny love, look no further than Willow!

Willow likes to spend the day playing with her tunnels, digging through her hay and litter, and resting in her hidey house. She’s a sassy lady who will let you know exactly how she likes her things placed. She’s a pro at tossing around stacking cups and gets even more excited when she finds hidden pellets in them. She’s also a curious girl, hopping on top of her castle to get a better view of her kingdom and subjects. She’s recently been moved to a new space with more frequent contact from her foster parents. She’s thriving with the extra attention and has gotten so comfortable that her latest quirk has been to relax so intensely that she looks like she’s “playing dead” with some epic flops.

She’s done well in a spacious enclosure where she plays with her toys and runs zoomies at night. When she gets free roam time outside of her enclosure, she’s excited to play, sprint around, binky and explore. She can be a little bunstructive as she likes to chew and sniff new things in her surroundings so she needs a space where she can safely do that. Wooden toys and apple wood sticks have been a great distraction and with proper bunproofing, Willow would make a fantastic free roam bunny.

She’s become more comfortable with the household cat whose nose she sniffs at through her enclosure walls. She knows her boundaries and will thump if she ever needs space from the cat. She loves to groom her foster parents and would do ok as a solo bunny or bonded to a laid-back male bun.

If Willow sounds like the bun for you, apply to make her part of your forever family!

Click here to see more photos of Willow!



Meet Chocolat! A super soft and silky rex rabbit who was surrendered to Rabbit Rescue after his owners were no longer able to care for him. He is now happily settled into foster care.

Chocolat is a very playful and affectionate rabbit, who enjoys running around and exploring. He is a pro at bunstruction, tearing apart cardboard and toilet paper rolls stuffed with hay. He always appreciates having small willow or apple branches to chew on. He absolutely loves people, when his foster parents come to greet him in the morning he’ll show how excited he is by performing multiple binkies in hopes he’ll get treats or pets! He is very affectionate and will groom his fosters and stuffed toys. Don’t let his signature pout fool you, he is a very happy and sweet bun.

When it comes to litter habits, Chocolat is perfect! He has never had an accident, even when he enters a new territory. Except for a stray poop once in a while, Chocolat has always kept his space clean. He’d make for an excellent free roam bun in his future home, he never chews furniture or the plastic baseboard coverings, and loves to lounge on the sofa with his foster family.

In both his previous home and foster home, Chocolat has gotten along with gentle dogs. He is unbothered by them and doesn’t mind their presence. He does however not like when they mess up his blankets! He is quick to straighten them out whenever they aren’t to his liking, which is an adorable sight to see!

If he sounds like the bun for you, please consider applying to make him part of your forever family!

Click here to see more photos of Chocolat!


Essie (for S.C. – Second Chance) is a very cute, sassy, and feisty lop-eared bunny who has a lot of love to give!

Essie would be a wonderful free-roaming bunny. She loves to run around and jump onto furniture, and show off epic binkies and zoomies! Her favourite spot is the cat tree (minus the cats of course). She loves to dig at the bottom and flop. Her least favourite thing? The vacuum, it’s her mortal enemy. She also enjoys redecorating and reorganizing her space, her foster family calls it her “bun-shui”. Don’t try helping her either, she can do it herself because she’s a strong independent ladybun!

Essie loves her people dearly. She’ll follow you around, mostly so you continue to give her pets, or she’ll beg with those big bunny eyes for some treats. Her favourite treat is banana, and oh boy does she have happy butt twitches when she gets it! If you lay down with her, you’ll definitely get a lot of love in the form of many chins and even kisses.

Essie is pretty good with her litter habits. She’s gotten better over time, but will sometimes pee on “soft” things like dog beds and couches (though her foster mom thinks that’s because they have other animals so Essie needs things to smell like her too). She’ll occasionally poop outside of her litter box, but it’s still contained within her “home base” xpen. Speaking of litter, she likes to dig and lay down in it, so either cleaning it daily or having a soft grate-system would help.

Essie came to Rabbit Rescue after she was placed on a euthanasia list at a shelter in Quebec after being returned twice for biting, and given only days to live. Unfortunately she does have a bite history, and she can bite hard. There’s a few reasons behind it! Poor Essie had a double middle ear infection, which has since cleared up, but imagining the pain she must have been in it’s no wonder she was biting. She also can’t hear very well, so if she is “snuck up” on, she may turn around and bite. However, she’s definitely gotten used to her foster mom approaching and just wants to spin around with excitement when approached now.

Despite her bite history, Essie has come such a long way! With her double ear infections gone, she no longer lunges or bites at her foster mom, but will nibble from time to time to get her attention or tell her she’s in the way (the sass!). Essie needs someone who is willing to be patient as she adjusts to a new environment. It is absolutely worth it because earning her trust means you will see her live her best life. You know you’re her human when she sits there and lets you pluck her fur tufts from the “danger zone”, which happens to be by that itsy bitsy dewlap under that cute bun-mouf.

It is important for anyone interested in adopting Essie to be prepared to work with her to make her feel safe and secure – and be willing to commit to her forever, even if she can be a bit bite-y. She is currently in a foster home that is working hard to show her that humans are safe so she can warm up and be more comfortable. While Essie is available for adoption, it is important to know that Essie may bite when scared/startled and needs a loving, patient home who understands her unique personality. She would do best in a home without young children and other pets, as she can be territorial with other non-rabbit animals, though she is tolerant of respectful cats. We think Essie would be able to bond with another bunny, preferably one who is more submissive and calm.

She more than makes up for her unique quirks by being a truly special bun. Essie deserves a wonderful family to call her own, and we hope her perfect forever home is reading this and is willing to take a chance on this second chance bun!

Click here to see more photos of Essie!

Emmett Borg – Board of Directors

Emmett is an analytics professional with experience in finance, healthcare, biotechnology, and digital marketing. He holds degrees in Mathematics and Engineering, with a focus on storytelling with data.

His two free roam bunnies Bubs (a Netherland dwarf) and Rory (a Holland lop) keep him constantly entertained and on a tight treat schedule. 

Emmett is passionate about rabbit welfare and aims to drive change through awareness and adding efficiency to the Rescue’s operations wherever possible. Emmett joined the Board in 2023 and can’t wait to make a meaningful difference in rabbits lives.

Yvonne Chypchar – Board of Directors

Yvonne feels that Rabbit Rescue is a well-run organization and wants to contribute any strategic planning abilities and resources she can to its future growth and development. Rabbits are a beautiful mix of vulnerable and resilient, loving and curious. They need our help and protection.

Sweet affectionate Hoa bunny was her first foster. She is grateful that she can continue to know about his life as husbun to Daisy bunny in the rabbit community. From a shelter in Las Vegas to a home in Canada, Hoa is a testament to what a network of people can accomplish. 

Helen Goreski – Board of Directors

Helen found Rabbit Rescue when she was looking for a new friend for her rabbit, after his mate passed away. Knowing about the number of rabbits in foster care looking for a home, and wanting to support an organization that aligned with her ethics made her glad to find Rabbit Rescue! Having had a wonderful experience adopting from Rabbit Rescue, she wanted to be part of the solution to people dumping their pets outside. She is thrilled to be joining the Rabbit Rescue board and is looking forward to working together to increase education and give every rabbit a second chance at a loving home.

Ginger & Cookie

Ginger and Cookie are chameleons – at a glance, they may look identical, but when shedding season comes they’ll take turns shapeshifting and showing off the most amusing patterns, such as Ginger’s heart snoot and Cookie’s “pants.” They also have very decided pet preferences; Ginger is partial to front ear scritches while Cookie prefers a solid forehead rub. They will not be shy to boop you for more pets when they want them. They also will not hesitate to sass with some opinionated thumps! They are good with well behaved small dogs.

Ginger and Cookie are dainty divas with rabbitude! They are big on thumping their displeasure, which means you’ll never have to wonder what they think. You might even be able to hold a conversation with them based on thump-responses alone. It’s endless entertainment with these opinionated ladies!

Ginger and Cookie love their edible Timothy hut and have developed a taste for palm leaf chew toys and balls.They love hideaways and tight spaces and would love a tunnel or two or some hideaways for daytime. They very much enjoy their double-flop bed where they will chill out together for a midday snooze. They’ve had the chance to claim the underside of the couch and made themselves comfortable in their closet as well as any and all boxes they have access to. 

The girls are also connoisseurs of crunch — whether it be willow balls, timothy huts or palm leaf toys– and gourmands who prefer second cut Timothy hay and any type of pellets as long as they can share. Few things are as cute as their synchronized munching, so serving them is an honor. 

They did discover that the top of the hay bin was a great spot to sploot and survey their kingdom, so they might appreciate some sort of elevated spots where they can stake their ground. 

They are also natural entertainers; an open space is a zoomie paradise, and if you give them a few boxes and tunnels, there will be an endless amount of hopping, climbing and redecorating to their exact specifications.  

Ginger and Cookie came to the rescue after being placed on a euthanasia list at a Quebec shelter due to overcrowding. This sweet pair of wonderful buns are spayed, vaccinated, and ready to find their forever home!

Click here for more photos of Ginger & Cookie!


Meet sweet Ella, who is contemplating why she is still not adopted! Ella came to Rabbit Rescue in March 2022 after being dumped outside with a few other rabbits. She was quite a challenge to capture, as she knew her outdoor environment well – including all the hiding spots! 

Ella would like everyone to know that she is a perfectly pleasant rabbit. She may not have colourful spots or floppy ears, but don’t underestimate this lovely brown bun – she is such a wonderful girl!  She doesn’t mind pets or being picked up (like for nail trims), though she doesn’t always actively seek out attention. She does actively seek out treats and veggies though! Food is the way to her heart. Ella did not enjoy being contained in an x-pen and is much happier with a room of her own where she can free roam and explore. She will still test barriers to see if she can go on further adventures. Ella is a voracious reader, though to her that means helping you read by nibbling the corners of your books. She occasionally will nibble on fabric items or the carpet but for the most part leaves the furniture and baseboards alone.

Ella likes to greet each morning with binkies and Bunny 500’s, which can be heard throughout the house. This seems to be how she tells you she is waiting for her breakfast! Once she’s done her morning exercise and has had breakfast she lounges next to the window, enjoying the sunshine. Sometimes she likes to tuck herself in behind the curtains. 

She would likely do well with a submissive male bun to bond to but wouldn’t like a bossy companion. She doesn’t like to be pushed around! She would do well as a solo rabbit as long as she gets plenty of attention from her forever family. Ella has met dogs and is fine with them.

Ella has blossomed into a really social rabbit in the last few months. She is eager to seek out attention from her foster mom, loving to be petted more often. She is such a lovely rabbit and deserves to find her forever home!

Ella is excited and ready to start the next chapter of her life with her forever family. She can’t wait for someone to apply to adopt her and offer her all the love she deserves!

Click here to see more photos of Ella!


From the very moment he arrived into foster care, Tulle has been the most friendly and gentle bunny who will greet you with nose boops, a kiss on the arm or cheek, and then will show you how fast he can zoom around the room in excitement!

Tulle came to Rabbit Rescue in August 2021 from a local shelter that reached out for help placing him in a foster environment as he wasn’t happy in the shelter – and we certainly understand why. Tulle loves to be around his people and does best when he has room to stretch his legs. He was born in the spring of 2021 and is neutered and vaccinated.

At the moment he doesn’t like head pats – he will sometimes give you a hard stare as if to say “that’s inappropriate!” but he accepts a human’s boop back at him. He is a great companion to hang out with – whether it’s watching TV, reading a book, or being entertained by him! Who doesn’t want 24/7 bunn-o-vision featuring Tulle!

To Tulle, humans make great jungle gyms. He likes to crawl under his foster mom’s knees when she sits down on the floor. He will then race through tunnels, turn corners, and when he’s tired he will flop on his side for a nap. He likes his time out and will often find a new spot near the wall for a snooze. He will also sniff his humans lots – he’s curious if they have a tasty snack and likes to double check in case they forgot to share. After all, snacks are for sharing! It’s the Tulle motto. He is a big fan of most greens, and will climb you like a ladder to get to them faster!

Tulle is a pretty brave bunny, though he sometimes gives a nervous look to the vacuum if it gets too close to his pellets. He once confided in his foster mom that he is the only vacuum she’ll ever need, and will gladly eat any stray pellets off the floor. He’s thinking of turning it into a career – door to door bun vacuum services. He is 100% certain there is a market. If you need a bunny to do a pellet on the floor inspection, Tulle is your bun!

Like most rabbits he is not a fan of being picked up, so grooming should be done with all four paws on the floor. Strange or distant noises outside the window can startle him, but don’t you worry, Tulle will warn everyone with a loud thump or two, until the coast is clear. He protects his humans and his favourite toys!

He likes to chew slippers and he does have a taste for delicious baseboards, so bunproofing is needed. However he does listen to his foster mom when she tells him “no” – he’s a clever boy!

If you’re looking for a buppy (bun-puppy), Tulle might just be the bun for you! He races to the door in the morning excited for pellets, which he likes to forage for in his treat board. He’s always happy and eager to see his people.

He’s funny, adorable and sweet, and eager to find his forever home. Don’t make him wait any longer, apply to adopt this wonderful bun!

Click here to see more photos of Tulle!


After 3 years in foster care, Piper is more than ready to find her forever home!

Piper was found outside as a stray and caught by wonderful volunteers. She loves being a house bunny. In fact, she did a series of elegant little binkies within minutes of being indoors. 

Piper doesn’t sit around! She is very playful, curious, smart, creative, loves stacking cups, her treat board puzzle, her treat ball with pellets, and even some cat toys!

Piper is obsessed with food. Sometimes she will race around the room and do binkies when she hears the sink running. She knows when it’s salad time! Next, she jumps up onto her hidey house to see what delicious greens are on the menu. She loves most greens especially cilantro and parsley. She will then give you a very serious stare as if to say “ahem, dinner is bit late but I’m being polite!”

Piper eats LOADS of hay and has perfect litter habits. She loves long apple branches – she’s smart and knows bunnies need safe things to look after their teeth! She creative and has even carved a willow stick into a heart!

Piper is a medium to big bunny – about 8 lbs. She soft and cuddly when she trusts you. She’s super active and does amazing popcorns and adorable zoomies. She likes a nose rub and ear massage. She does not like being brushed or nail trims, so she gets a treat after and doesn’t take long to forgive you. 

She likes to look out the window in the evening, sitting on a chair. In the afternoon she will snooze under it on the tile floor, pretending to sleep but really waiting for sounds of the treat jar. 

She sometimes likes to tunnel and get lost under a blanket. She’s always looking for something fun to do. 

Piper is into a bit of Feng Shui – she has moved her water bowl to the south wall and likes to make adjustments to her hidey house and hay box when necessary! 

When her foster mum comes home, Piper races around and then gets on her hind legs so her foster mom can blow her a kiss and then she does a happy adorable twirl. She knows it’s time for a few yummy pellets! 

Are you ready for action, cuddles and excitement? Then Piper is your gal! She is a funny, pretty and happy bunny. Anyone who adopts her is really lucky to share in her adorable antics and sweetness!

Click here to see more photos of Piper!