Serena was an owner surrender to a shelter when she was 6 months old because she was considered to be grumpy and not friendly. Being in the shelter for another 6 months didn’t help Serena become any more friendly, even with the shelter staff making efforts to bring her out of her shell. The shelter was just not an ideal place for Serena. RR was called to spring her out in March of 2014. Serena went into foster care for a chance at a happier life. When Serena arrived into foster care, she was scared and her nose was out of joint for being moved to a new location. She grunted and lunged at any advance towards her or to get to know her, she even boxed her foster mom on the 2nd day. Her foster mom did not let that get in the way of getting to know her and was adamant on making Serena comfortable and able to trust again. Within 3 weeks of being in her foster home, Serena began to turn into a different bunny. She began to take treats from her foster moms’ hand and allow a few strokes on her head. She is living free range in her foster home and loves it, she has currently shown zero signs of being destructive. It is likely that she did not have much, if any time out of cage in her previous home which often leads to cage aggression.
Her favourite thing to do is bunny 500’s under the dining room table. Once she is tired out from that, she will flop out on the hall rug for a nap. Serena loves to keep a close eye on her foster mom, and watches her from her favourite spot in the hall. Serena also lives with a large bunny friendly dog and is not afraid of her nor does she show any aggressive behaviour towards the dog. Serena loves to explore and check out small spaces to see if she can fit! Serena definitely loves comfort and frequently hop’s up on the futon in her room for naps, which is lined with a fleece blanket. She enjoys being pet on her head and back now and will squish right down and tooth purr to show her enjoyment.
This lovely lady was FINALLY adopted into her forever home in September 2016 and we couldn’t be any happier!!