Oreo and Electra were dumped outside by their previous owners and rescued by RR. They are a very cute brother and sister pair. When not running around exploring the house, they can be found snuggled together, possibly grooming each other. They both love their veggies, and will even take them out of your mouth! Electra immediately is very interested in whatever you’re doing, but Oreo will observe for a while first, then come over and nudge you for attention. They are very sneaky, and like to cause trouble, but they know if you’re calling their name they shouldn’t be doing that, and will stop and pretend like they weren’t doing anything! Oreo loves his tunnel, and will take naps in it and run in and out of it. Like any sibling pair, they have their ups and downs; sometimes they love to play together, but sometimes they will “fight” over the last bite of lettuce. RR has had them both spayed/neutered, vet checked and they’re new forever family says they are in great health.